Returning to the muffled easy click of the flat, rounded-squares of my MacBook, I have come back to familiar place of comfort. Like snuggling into an old sofa or papasan in the parental living room, I settle in to a place that evokes the coziness of times past but also provokes slight pangs of a lost age. The rise of the weblog may be a relatively recent phenomenon, but ruminating on the recent and distant past and speculating on the consequences of the present and the future remain strongholds of every era, no matter the recording medium.
Since I began my new, less "movemented" lifestyle, I have considered the possibility of continuing to write. Previously, I had a greater ability to allocate the hours of the day to reflection, whether on the move or stationed in a quiet place in front of my computer screen. A portion of this life is chronicled in the blog
My return to America abruptly ended the Metropolitain portion of my meditations. I have much less time to reflect on life than I did while wandering around Paris. Nonetheless, I have resolved to assume this stage in my life as another defining and character building moment. What can be more definite than purchasing a home with your life partner.
And so, with this life-changing moment as the impetus, I begin a new chapter the way I think and write about life.